Musical Manuscripts at the HOSIANUM LIBRARY
Thematic Catalogue of Musical Manuscripts at the HOSIANUM LIBRARY
in Olsztyn
Aleksandra Litwinienko, Ewelina Miernikiewicz, Danuta Popinigis, Jolanta Woźniak
The manuscripts described in the Thematic Catalogue … were brought to the Metropolitan Seminary of Warmia ‘Hosianum’ Library in Olsztyn after the Second World War but they have not been widely known until now.
Most of the manuscripts were written in the 18th century, and the less copious ones were copied in the 19th century. There is only one part-book, recorded at the turn of the 17th century. The manuscripts have various provenances, though almost half of them originate from Dobre Miasto (German: Guttstadt), where a vocal and instrumental ensemble was active in the 18th century.
The collection includes
59 manuscripts
42 individual and 17 collective
— 800 compositions in all.
The manuscripts have been described in accordance with the documentation rules of Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (PL-Osem)
Biblioteka Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Metropolii Warmińskiej „Hosianum” 2023
Print and bound: Wydawnictwo „Bernardinum”
pages/dimensions: 436 pages, 1 ill. 17
language: Polish/English
binding: Hardback
dimensions: 170 × 240 mm
publishing date: December 2023
ISBN: 978-83-945219-3-6